
Crushing on These Women for International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day, a day that I celebrate every day of the year. I also crush on women every day of the year for a variety of reasons, including that they are baller at interior design, cook food that makes me salivate, speak their minds in ways that make me listen, are bosses in ways that admire or are trying to make the world a better place. So, for International Women’s Day, I’ve put together a short list of women I follow on social media who I think are worth following.

Lupita Nyong’o, Academy-Award winning actress, who BRINGS IT on the red carpet and at every opportunity she gets. She has been on my mind lately because of Black Panther. Speaking of which, have you seen that movie yet?! Check her out on Instagram.

Lupita Nyong’o on Instagram

Cecile Richards, outgoing president of Planned Parenthood, is fearless, bold, intelligent and inspiring. Follow her on Twitter.

Also fearless, bold, intelligent, and a fabulous writer is Lauren Duca.

My friend Priscilla Debar whose mission to raise awareness about fashionable, stylish, eco-friendly and sustainable clothing led her to also make it easily accessible by creating the online shop Faubourg. Check out her Instagram page here and her shop here.

Amanda Hendrix from Love & Renovations is fearless with her DIY and is inspiring to me as I try to expand my DIY horizons. Follow her DIY life on Instagram.

Amanda DIYing / Photo courtesy of Love & Renovations Instagram

Michelle Wolf is my new favorite comedian. Her recent comedy special “Nice Lady” is everything almost all women have ever thought, experienced or said. You can find her comedic musings on Twitter. And watch her special!!!

Allure magazine Deputy Editor Sam Escobar keeps it very real on beauty issues and she’s funny. Check her out on Twitter.

Lee Litumbe of Spirited Pursuit makes travel look even more gorgeous and aspirational than it already is and she’s beautiful to boot. Follow along on her travels on Instagram.

Spirited Pursuit on Instagram

This is by no means a comprehensive list and I’m always looking for inspiring women to follow so feel free to comment below with names of people you think I should follow as well. Happy EVERY DAY IS WOMEN’S DAY, EVERYBODY!

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