Outdoor Spaces Mini Update
It’s November already and we’ve been enjoying a really beautiful fall so far, which means I can tell you about our new grass in this outdoor spaces mini update.
I recently shared what we had going on in our backyard, which you can read about here and here. We go to a nursery not too far from our house and they make excellent grass seed. With a little bit of watering every day for a week, we already had grass! Here’s how the backyard is looking now:
Hopefully, after the winter, this backyard will be even greener and more lush than it is now and a great place for baby and dog to run around and the adults to hang.
Now, for the front. If you follow me on IG, then you may have noticed that we’ve been living the front porch life. We brought chairs and one of the outdoor rugs from the back to the porch, and now it’s a comfortable place to hang while baby watches the street. We also got a baby gate that we were hoping would work for the top of our stairs. It doesn’t, but it’s perfect for the porch, so now we use it and having it up makes the front porch a hangable spot for all four of us.
I added a touch of fall with mums and pumpkins. I had been hoping to get a simple fall wreath, but didn’t. I need to start cutting myself some slack and just recognize that very little will get done and I need to be okay with that.
The other day, I came home late and the string lights were on, and the color of the mums was popping and the porch looked so inviting, and I loved it so much.
Happy fall from the cozy cottage!