The Cozy Cottage

Thinking about Our Kitchen

Remember when I painted my kitchen pink? Well, Salmon Peach, to be specific. No? Well, maybe this will jog your memory. I did that my last week of maternity leave simply because I had all the materials at home and we hated all the gray so much that I just wanted to look at something else while we save up all the thousands and thousands and thousands we’ll need in order to renovate the kitchen/first floor. But, I’ve been thinking…

What if we just took a sledgehammer and started the construction ourselves?

I’ve never shared our renovation ideas or renderings or anything because we are nowhere near there, but we’d want to open up the first floor as much as possible, and one way we’re seriously considering is by knocking out all the upper cabinets seen in the left of this photo and having the countertop extend to countertop seating on the other side.

Sometimes I’m sitting there staring at how much I hate this kitchen and think, maybe we should just remove all those cabinets now and take a sledgehammer and bust through to the other side. In fact, I was sitting here feeding baby, looking at this dumb kitchen, which inspired this post, as seen in this video.

What would you do? Have some construction fun while you wait to renovate…or just wait to renovate?