The Cozy Cottage

A Slightly Updated Home Office

We gave the home office a slight update. While it’s not beautiful or even a major change, I am celebrating even the smallest of steps as a way to help me through winter in quarantine. So, do you want to celebrate with me?

I wrote at the start of the year a few little projects (as well as hopes and dreams for bigger ones) that I planned to do this year and we are underway with a few of them! Getting this office in better shape was one of the projects and here is the checklist:

  1. Add and rearrange shelving to accommodate as much of our stuff as possible.
  2. Get a new desk.
  3. Add plug-in lighting.
  4. Maybe get a new rug and update the window treatments.

These are all super easy little updates that can be done on our own, potentially inexpensively, and without hiring anyone. I’m happy to say that I can check the first item off of this list!

Here is what the office looked like before:

And here is what it looks like now:

Daniel doesn’t really see a difference, but I do! Before, this space looked like an incredibly disorganized mess that didn’t make any sense. Now, it looks more like the way a media center would be structured and arranged, with extra shelving for books.

We brought up the smaller bookcase from downstairs once we turned a living room into more of a playroom, and centered it so the TV could be at a good viewing angle. I used scrap wood to build a shelf over the TV joining the two taller bookcases, instantly creating more shelving space than we had before. That new single top shelf spanning the whole wall is now home to all of our comic books and most of the larger pieces of decor. I used a few clear plastic storage bins to organize the comic books, making them easier to find and grab, and more of a display.

I also took scrap wood to create a wider piece for the TV to sit on, turning the empty space to the left of the smaller bookcase into a purposeful cubby. My tripod and yoga mat are tucked in there.

And the bookshelves to the left that are hidden by the computer monitor and desk are holding items that we don’t need to see or access regularly, like old notebooks and stationery, and other things that belong in a junk drawer.

Here’s the other side of the room, with a sleeper sofa so this office can also be home to guests, whenever that may be again.

What I hope to do next in this space is add lighting and get a new desk, and I’ll share with you the options I’m looking at. Then there’s window treatments and a new rug.

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