Simple Solution for a Kid-Friendly Entryway
We made an entryway with happiness in mind when we moved in, with a neon green mailbox and a bright red squiggly coat rack as two eye catching elements. And while we’ve made changes to our entryway in the time we have lived here (see here and here), we now needed to make the entryway a tad more kid-friendly and I thought of a simple solution. So what did we do?
We added another coat rack! See, I told you it was a simple solution.
We have finally moved past the baby stage in every regard: the stroller is gone from the entryway and we haven’t used it since end of summer! But a new habit emerged this fall: August would come home, take off his jacket and throw it on the floor because he couldn’t reach our coat rack.
The easiest solution was to add a hook or two low enough for him to reach. I wanted to stick to the spirit of the bright and happy decor details that we used in the first place so I thought about just purchasing a second version of the coat rack we already have. Unfortunately, they don’t ship to the US anymore so I dug into my Pinterest files and remembered another bright and happy coat rack I had liked.

This coat rack by Scout Regalia is enough for his jackets and masks, and also for when he has friends over. And the best part is, August has gotten into a routine of coming home, taking off his coat, and putting it on his own coat rack.

A minor problem fixed with a simple solution is a big win, in my opinion.