Kreyol Kitchen

Gateau a la Livre/Gateau de Livre

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We had a weekend full of guests so I thought it would be a good time to try one of my grandmother’s dessert recipes. She wrote down a recipe called Gâteau à la Livre, but I think she meant Gâteau de Livre, which translates to pound cake. I don’t know if what she wrote down is the same as traditional American pound cake (I’m too lazy to check), but it tasted very similar.

Here is her recipe.


  • 1 cup of butter
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 1/4 cup flour
  • 3 teaspoons of yeast
  • pinch of salt, vanilla and lemon zest
  1. Cream the butter and gradually add the sugar to it
  2. Beat until softened
  3. Separate the eggs
  4. Beat the yolks well and then add them to the sugar/butter mixture
  5. Sift the flour and salt
  6. Add the four/salt to the mixture, alternating with the milk
  7. Beat to get it to a fine paste
  8. Add the whites so they slightly froth
  9. Turn over the mixture into a buttered dish
  10. Cook in a hot stove (at 350 degrees for almost an hour)
In total honesty, I accidentally only put in 1 cup of butter (2 sticks) instead of 2 cups of butter (4 sticks), which I only realized later when talking to my dad about it. He predicted the cake would turn out too dry. It actually was pretty tasty although kind of dense and I’m sure would have turned out better had I not made such an amateur mistake. I served the pound cake with a dollop of cream whipped with vanilla and a bit of Barbancourt Haitian rum.