Kreyol Kitchen

Recipe: Epinards a la Milanaise (Milanese Spinach)

Have I ever mentioned that I don’t like vegetables, especially leafy green ones? So you can imagine that I was not particularly excited to test out this recipe from my grandmother – epinards a la milanaise, aka Milanese Spinach – but I did anyway as I’m making my way through her notebook of recipes. Well! The salt from the cheese and ham gave the spinach so much flavor, and it was all really easy to make that I can see this easily being a side dish or topping for homemade bread again and again. For more on my grandmother’s recipes, see the Kreyol Kitchen category, and for more on this recipe, see below.



  • spinach
  • ham chopped roughly
  • grated cheese (I used Parmesan)
  • butter
  • salt and pepper
Directions (with some modifications from me):
  1. Clean and wash the spinach
  2. Blanche the spinach
  3. Butter a casserole dish
  4. Add the spinach
  5. Season with salt and pepper
  6. Stir in chopped ham, butter and grated cheese (I cut cubes of butter and layered it on top of the spinach before covering it in grated cheese)
  7. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees until cheese melts
  8. Stir and serve

Few ingredients, minimal steps, and then you get this not-so-healthy spinach dish, exactly the way I like my leafy greens. Ha! Anyway, enjoy!

Bedroom Inspiration

August 17, 2020

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