Haitian Rum Cocktail Recipe
Fun fact: When I tell my parents a week in advance that I’m coming over so we can cook one of my grandmother’s recipes together and they say okay, this is what happens when I show up: “You want to do what?” “But we don’t have any of that stuff.” “So we have to go to the grocery store?” “But I don’t feel like cooking.” Welcome to my life, people! Instead, my dad made us a drink with four ingredients that he called a cocktail and when I asked him to elaborate, he said it was a Haitian Rum Cocktail. “Now you can write about that.” So, I did…
Haitian Rum Cocktail Ingredients:
Lime juice
Rum (preferably Barbancourt)
Touch of vanilla
Haitian Rum Cocktail Directions:
- Pour a crapload of lime juice, sugar and rum into a glass (he used a juice glass, on the larger side).
- Stir a lot.
- Add a drop of vanilla.
- Taste it. You like it? Cool. If not, add more of whichever ingredient you think it needs (but probably not vanilla).
- Serve on ice.
And there you have a super simple summer cocktail. Cheers!
For other drink recipes, check out this cocktail and this Liqueur des Iles.