Kreyol Kitchen

Haitian Rum Cocktail Recipe

Fun fact: When I tell my parents a week in advance that I’m coming over so we can cook one of my grandmother’s recipes together and they say okay, this is what happens when I show up: “You want to do what?” “But we don’t have any of that stuff.” “So we have to go to the grocery store?” “But I don’t feel like cooking.” Welcome to my life, people! Instead, my dad made us a drink with four ingredients that he called a cocktail and when I asked him to elaborate, he said it was a Haitian Rum Cocktail. “Now you can write about that.” So, I did…

Haitian Rum Cocktail Ingredients:
Lime juice
Rum (preferably Barbancourt)
Touch of vanilla


Haitian Rum Cocktail Directions:

  1. Pour a crapload of lime juice, sugar and rum into a glass (he used a juice glass, on the larger side).
  2. Stir a lot.
  3. Add a drop of vanilla.
  4. Taste it. You like it? Cool. If not, add more of whichever ingredient you think it needs (but probably not vanilla).
  5. Serve on ice.

And there you have a super simple summer cocktail. Cheers!

For other drink recipes, check out this cocktail and this Liqueur des Iles.

Recipe: Garden Vegetable Salad

September 5, 2017