Friday Faves: Designers and a Side of Smug
Happy Friday from The 256 Project! I took a little break last week as did the rest of the country and I’m back this week with a spotlight on two designers as well as a story from Daniel. Here are this week’s Friday Faves.
I have become a fan of interior and product designer Sarah Sherman Samuel in the past year or so and her blog Stories is on my must-read list. The thing is, when reading her blog, I feel like I don’t know much about her and I’ve actually spent time googling her to see if she’s done podcasts and other interviews before. So I was really happy to see Apartment Therapy’s interview with her this week.

I just want to call your attention to this crazy and creative renovation that Mandi at Vintage Revivals is doing. She and her husband bought an old commercial building in Utah that has undergone several renovations and additions for commercial use and are converting it into their home. The original brick work and sign that they uncovered and their process to clean it up is so interesting to pay attention to IMHO. You can see a recent post here and click through to read the entire series.

And, finally, Daniel told a funny story about our garden vegetables and shared a tasty recipe. ICYMI, check it out here.