Friday Faves: My Latest Obsession
It’s Friday, it’s Fri-Yay! I’m so happy it’s the weekend. I’ve spent the past four weeks doing a lot of traveling and I’m so looking forward to a weekend at home to do absolutely anything I want or need to do even, I can’t believe I’m going to say this, weeding. I’m also dreaming of my next (maybe?) project, which leads me to my latest obsession and what I’ve been reading this week. Here are my Friday Faves.
My latest obsession is ceiling medallions. I have been wanting to add them to our house but we hadn’t replaced any of our pendant lights yet so I couldn’t do it. But we just got a new pendant light for the foyer (so maybe finally I’ll get on that entryway project?!) so now I’m back to thinking about ceiling medallions and the should we or shouldn’t we conversation. Part of that thinking has been doing a little research on ceiling medallions and determining whether they would fit in with our 1903 house. If you’re interested in that kind of history, check out this pretty extensive article on the National Park Service website.

Home Decor:
It took me a really long time to appreciate delivery because I have lived in apartment buildings since the advent of e-commerce and didn’t trust that what I ordered would actually make it to my apartment, especially in New York City. But when we moved to the suburbs, we got Amazon Prime and it is life-changing. As it turns out, interior designers also like Amazon, according to Lonny, which has an article on some top interior design and home decor products. I’ve just pinned a few of these, including that fun flush mount and that copper-legged side table.

I love everything about this house. It’s crazy in all the best ways. That modern kitchen with pink cabinets and green and white tiled floors has me gaga. Truthfully, I’m starting to get bored by what I’m seeing in the design world simply because so much is looking the same. I love that this is not the same ol’, same ol’.

Happy Friday and have a lovely weekend!