Kreyol Kitchen

Recipe: Confetti Salad

My favorite kind of salad is the kind that isn’t very salady at all, so this Confetti Salad recipe, courtesy of my grandmother and her handwritten notes, is perfect for me. And, like the name implies, it’s perfect for a party. The macaroni salad colored by Spam and green peppers is perfect for Memorial Day weekend and a summer full of BBQs and easy alfresco dining.


1 cup macaroni
1 cup of spam or ham (I used Spam)
1/4 cup of chopped green pepper
1/3 cup mayo
1 small can of green peas
1/2 tablespoon of mustard
1/2 cup grated cheese
1/4 cup of evaporated milk
1/2 cup of olives, cornichons or capers (I used capers)
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 chopped onion

The best part about these ingredients is that you can play with the proportions and amounts since everything about this macaroni salad really is to your taste. I doubled the amount of pasta and Spam, and used a whole green bell pepper, a whole small can of evaporated milk, a whole container of grated Parmesan cheese, and as much mustard and mayo as I wanted for flavor.


1. Boil the macaroni.
2. Mix with all of the ingredients.
3. Refrigerate.

YOU SEE HOW EASY THAT IS?! Confetti macaroni salad. BAM!

This recipe probably isn’t that Haitian, but since my grandmother wrote it down in her notebook, I’m counting it as an entry in the Kreyol Kitchen. For other Kreyol Kitchen recipes to try this summer, check out this savory dish, this dessert, and this cocktail. Enjoy!

Kitchen Inspiration

May 27, 2019