Friday Faves

Friday Faves: Ebony Magazine and More

Happy Friday! It might not feel like it because the world is upside down but it is actually a holiday weekend and I hope we all can get find some rest and relaxation over the long weekend. I’m planning to unplug, but before I do, I am sharing some of my favorite things of late, including that I was recently featured in Ebony magazine!


You may not know this, but my full-time job is in public relations. I met the beauty editor of Ebony magazine at an event in the beginning of the year, back when we were allowed outside of our homes, and she asked me to share all the details of my beauty and self-care routine for a story featuring publicists in Ebony. And so I did! You can read the full story here.

Speaking of self-care, I was really craving some seriously ooey, gooey, chocolately brownies recently and I decided I would treat myself for Mother’s Day. You can read more about my Mother’s Day here. I made these brownies, used coconut oil, doubled the amount of chocolate and salt, and topped it off with chocolate chips. If you have a chocolate craving and like brownies, I highly recommend this recipe!

The one thing I have felt our bar was missing was coupe glasses since we regularly make cocktails and so many cocktails look (and taste?) better in a coupe glass. Well, we finally got them and we are putting them to good use. Here are the ones we purchased.

We also recently got a new set of mugs since so many of ours have chipped or broken over time. What makes our new set extra special is that they were designed by a graphic artist we know whose work showcases the colors and emotions of South Asian women. You can see more of the work of Pooja PrabhakaranĀ here and here. This is the design we purchased.

This garage was renovated to be a really beautiful tiny house and it’s giving me inspiration for that time in the far-off future that we may consider turning our enormous garage into a guest house. Far-off future and never-ending amount of money, I mean.

ICYMI: We’ve been spending a lot of time outside and hopefully will continue to do that along as the weather allows. Here’s some of what we’ve been up to: gardening and organization.

Hope you have a healthy and restful long weekend!