Friday Faves

Friday Faves: House Tours


I know, I know, it’s not Friday but I’m posting this Friday Faves anyway. There are some great house tours and other interesting information below, so check it out!

I found this story on every day words that have racist connotations to be pretty interesting. Some of them I knew – like master bedroom/suite and plantation houses – and others I had no idea about.

You’ve heard me talk about the One Room Challenge before, and I even participated a couple of years ago. The Spring 2020 One Room Challenge recently wrapped up and here are two of my favorites (but so many were very good):  Kyla Herbes of House of Hipsters and Beth Diana Smith. If you’d like to know more about Beth, check out my Designer Spotlight Q&A with her here.

Photo courtesy of House of Hipsters

There’s a new magazine on the scene and it was created by a black woman who was tired of not seeing people like her represented in fashion. You can read more about Kristen Turner here and check out the new Mae Jones magazine here.

I’m a big fan of interior designer Dee Murphy and House Beautiful showed off some cool aspects of her home.

You tired yet of the same old walk around the neighborhood that you’ve been doing with your kids for the past few months in quarantine? Mother magazine has a list of ways to add a little adventure to it.

Lastly, there’s still a pandemic happening. Check out this map and see what’s happening in your state.

Have a safe weekend!