Friday Faves

Friday Faves: DIY Media Console Sketch and More

Don’t you just love a badly drawn sketch of a DIY project? Here are my recent favorite things in this week’s Friday Faves.

Above is my sketch for the DIY media console that I hope to get started on soon. More on that here. This is not reflected in the sketch, but there also will be sliding doors.

Interesting perspective on the whitewashing of recipe writing in Bon Appetit.

In search of a new podcast? Check out Michelle Obama’s, exclusively on Spotify.

Like interior design and want new TV shows to watch? Check out this list in Apartment Therapy.

Blogger  shared her experience of being a Black female writer and blogger in interiors, which is worth a read. Check out her story here.

I hope to get moving on my DIY media console this weekend. Wish me luck!

Bedroom Inspiration

August 17, 2020

Outdoor Artwork

August 24, 2020